Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Now Hiring. (Or, The CIA Test.)

The CIA seems to have been encountering problems with filling an opening for a position as an assassin. It seems that after several thousand applicants were interviewed, the choice was narrowed down to two men and a woman. As a final test of suitability, a test was devised to ensure the applicants' unswerving loyalty and dedication to following instructions without question, and as such, the final choice could be made.The first man was taken to a closed door and told "Inside you will find your wife sitting in a chair, open the door, take this gun and kill her". The man immediately balked at the procedure, and admitted he was not the man for the job, as he could never shoot his wife.The second man was taken to the room and given the gun and told to go in and shoot his wife who would be sitting inside the room on a chair, and he went into the room with the gun and closed the door, but came out about five minutes later. He had tears in his eyes and he also said that he was unable to shoot his wife, even though those were his orders. It had been proven that he was not the man for the job either. He was told to take his wife and go home.The woman was then taken to the door of the room, and told that inside the door sat her husband, and that to prove her unswerving loyalty to the company, she must kill her husband. She took the gun, opened the door and went in the room, then closed the door.There were several shots heard, then all sorts of loud noise was heard from inside the room as the agents outside tried to get inside the room, the door of which she had locked. Still unable to get in, the agents could only wait until the room fell silent and the woman finally opened the door.They asked her what had happened and she wiped her brow and replied,"You guys didn't tell me that the gun was loaded with blanks, I had to beat him to death with the chair".


Blogger John Q. Public esq. said...

I tell the same one but switch the genders and its about the IRA...

every St. Paddy's Day, if you want to hear it or not..


10/26/2005 9:40 AM  

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