Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Why I-Pods Are So Popular. (Or, Oh! The Humanity!.)

A human rights group is alleging the United States operated a secret prison near Afghanistan's capital as recently as last year.The group claims that music from Eminem and Dr. Dre was used as instruments of torture. New York-based Human Rights Watch has issued a report saying the United States operated a secret prison in Afghanistan and tortured detainees. The report quoted an Ethiopian-born detainee as saying he was kept in a pitch-black prison and forced to listen to Eminem and Dr. Dre’s rap music for 20 days before the music was replaced by "horrible ghost laughter and Halloween sounds."The report said detainees at the facility -- known as "Dark Prison" -- were deprived of sleep, chained to walls and forced to listen to loud music in total darkness for days.

Funny...I would have figured Celine Dion and Mariah Carey tunes would be more disturbing. Oh well....


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