Friday, June 10, 2005

Help A Brother Out.

From news services.

Johnny and June Carter Cash's lakeside house, where the couple lived for 35 years, is on the market in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Asking price: $2.9 million.
The 13, 880-square foot house and 4.6 acre property is on the edge of Old Hickory Lake. Seven pieces of antique furniture, including the Cash's bed, are included in the sale.

Since I need a bigger and better place to live; preferably nearer my children in east Tennessee; and given my love of both history and music, I am proud to announce the following:

I am hereby establishing a fund (administered by me) to raise the funds for the purchase price of this historic property, in order that I can move into the barn and preserve this great American's home in pristine condition.

Send your donations (not yet tax-deductible) to me as soon as possible, so we can preserve Johnny Cash's surroundings for ourselves and our children to learn from and marvel at.

Think this is tongue in cheek? Guess again.

As I once said (prior to JC's death;)
"Johnny Cash shits cooler than most people live."

Even dead....
It's still true.
The Man In Black deserves a monument to his legacy.


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