Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Thought For The Day.

You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat.

--Albert Einstein, explaining how radio works.

Hmmm....and all this time, I thought those horrendous sounds coming out of my speakers were just untalented musicians and underdeveloped broadcasters making a mockery out of an industry I love. Instead, it seems that Theory of a Deadman and their ilk are part of Einstein's Theory of Feline Comunication. It's SUPPOSED to sound like a cat wailing!

All those years of learning about amplitude modulation and frequency modulation, auditorium testing, call-out research, clocks, imaging, promotion.....and all I had to do is torture the neighbor's pet to have a hit record, or be successful on the radio! Damn.....

At least I THINK that's what he meant....


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