Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Oh, For The Good Old Days. (Or, Sometimes Technology Is A Good Thing.)

Talking to some friends last night, the subject of cell phones came up. We laughed about the early reports that cell phone use was going to cause giant tumors to appear on the side of the users heads; and speculated about the future of cell phone technology (can you say cochlear implanted cell phones?)

As I drove home later in the evening, I noticed my cell phone's battery was dangerously low. I had the sudden urge to plug it into the cigarette lighter charger...and I realized how absurd it was that I felt like I NEEDED a phone at arm's length at 10:30 in the evening (yes, it was a late night again last night.)

Yes, I know that cell phones are everywhere. Yes, I know that EVERYONE has one (well, except for some of my Amish-tinged Hoosier relatives.) But I'm still struck by the absurdity that we NEED a cell phone. What the heck did we do before Motorola introduced us to the MicroTAC? (which, if you'll recall, was a damn sight better than those big, bulky bag phones; but was far from 'convenient'.)

Cell phones, PDAs, Bluetooth.....Life was simpler before technology reared its ugly head.

Or was it?

Ah, for the good old days.......

On second thought, maybe I should switch to a Razor phone...small, and dependable...


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