Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Thought For The Day. (Or, Some Magic For All You Muggles.)

When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love.

--J. K. Rowling in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Don't read too much into this particular quote; it just seemed timely, with the book coming out.
Besides, sometimes obsessive love is a good thing. Not usually; but occasionally, it's nice to have a passion so deeply felt as to defy rational thought and actions...a bond so strong that it just IS, rather than being planned.

BTW, if you've not read the Harry Potter books (NO one is 'not familiar' with them, by now)--a Muggle is a person without magical abilities.
Stephen King describes Muggles in HIS writings as 'unimaginative and often unpleasant adults, who neither understand children nor care to.'

The two definitions seem strikingly similar to me.
I hope you're not a Muggle...and if you are, I hope you find a spell to regain the magic.


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