Friday, December 30, 2005

NLT: A Recap.

M. Chamberlin and I met at the mahogany bar last evening for the final meeting of the No-Love Thursday Drinking Club and Mutual Aid Society for 2005. There was so little love that we were the only two members present; everyone else was apparently either still shaking sand out of their underwear, or in their basements making sure the homemade beer was fermenting and the ammunition supplies were stocked for the upcoming New Year's revelry. Stories were shared, cocktails were downed, and fellowship abounded. The official meeting took less than fifteen seconds, followed by the customary refreshments (and let me say, Evan Williams is now officially an honorary member of NLT.) Despite the lack of sex toys, and a pleasant dearth of singing loudly and off key, it was a enjoyable experience. We adjourned at a reasonable hour for gentlemen, and vowed to continue the tradition into 2006.

Happy New Year from the NLT crew to you and yours.....


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