Saturday, June 18, 2005

What Do Terri Schiavo And George W. Bush Have In Common? (A Rant, As Well As A Call To Action.)

What do Terri Schiavo and George W. Bush have in common?
Let's run down the list, shall we?

Terri Schiavo--had half a brain in her head.
George W. Bush--check.

Terri--blind to the outside world.
GW--check. Unless you HAVE a check. Cash improves his vision on a lot of subjects.

Terri--Unaware of people and her surroundings.
GW--Doesn't give a damn about people, or their surroundings. Check.

Terri--Family torn apart because of the decision to let her die.
GW--LOTS of families torn apart because of his decision to let many of our soldiers die. Check.

Terri--The damage caused was irreversible.

Terri--had loved ones pull the plug and let her fade away peacefully.
GW--loved ones got him into office, and work hard to keep him there till his brother's ready to take over. IF ONLY we could pull the plug....and make him fade away peacefully....

And to think that until this administration, I used to LIKE the Republican party....

Okay, enough of the political rant. On to a moral rant, instead.

Here's an important link for a living will (thanks, LA.) Don't be like Terri or her family. Make it easier for your loved ones. Make your wishes known.

Oh, and if you haven't already, become a donor, too. Here's a link for that.

No one's promised tomorrow....but we can help promise tomorrow will be better for others. Do it today, dammit. For your family...and people you'll never even meet. It's your best shot at immortality in a world with a limited attention span.


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