The first question you might have, Gentle Reader, is why Second Grade as the name of this blog? There are a couple of reasons for this.
1. It's crudely done...sort of like that drawing you made in second grade, you took home, and your Mom put on the refrigerator-- even though it wasn't that good.
2. It's occasionally sophomoric-- sinple thoughts, and simple humor-- sort of like....Second Grade.
3. (and most important) My favorite bar has a nice secluded booth in the middle of the back room, against the far wall, with a sign above it marked "Second Grade". For as long as I can remember, that's where I've gone to escape the sometimes overwhelming hubbub in the bar (which I attend to escape the hubbub of life.) Second Grade (the 'real' one) is that space-- described in the profile on the right.
Second Grade is the perfect place to learn, observe, grow, and just be yourself--whether you're seven, and roaming the halls at Anthony Wayne Elementary School, or whether you're over 21 and sitting in the booth at the bar. Welcome to Second Grade!