Friday, November 18, 2005

Yet Another Thought Of The Day. (Thanks, Bob And Tom.)

I'm at the point in my life when I've started smoking pot because it has fewer calories than drinking beer.

--Comedian Pete Lee

No Love Thursday; A Recap.

It was a typical NLT gathering last evening under the char-broiled stained glass ceiling at the local watering hole. Present alongside this reporter (first to arrive) at this week's meeting of the No Love Thursday Drinking Club and Mutual Aid Society were John Q, Mrs. JQP, Pastor Bob, M. Chamberlin Newspaper Man, BBG, President Flavia Puff, Hobie Cat (who didn't get an official name, so will have to be saddled with this one till the next gathering,) and two newcomers to the No Love Thursday festivities; Queen Bedwetter, and Cold Hearted Bitch. Many drinks were hoisted, many toasts were made, many songs were sung. M. Chamberlin accepted my challenge, and a rematch of men of sport will be held tentatively this forthcoming Monday at the rugby bar, for bragging rights of kegeling dominance.

Lessons learned: don't drink double shots of tequila on a school night; men of the cloth sometimes enjoy being spanked (and actually may own their own ball gag;) and a house salad and french fries with cajun mayo will hurt almost as badly at 3am as six gut bombs from Powers.

I leave it to others to chronicle more. (Perhaps a Frank Gray column?) Let it suffice to say that good times were had, and no one had to jump bail. That qualifies as a success by NLT terms.

Next Thursday is a holiday....Perhaps No-Love Wednesday??

A Relationship Thought Of The Day. (And A Quote From A Freakin' Great Movie, Too.)

It would be nice to think that since I was 14, times have changed. Relationships have become more sophisticated. Females less cruel. Skins thicker. Instincts more developed. But there seems to be an element of that afternoon in everything that's happened to me since. All my romantic stories are a scrambled version of that first one.

--Rob Gordon (John Cusack), High Fidelity

A Thought For The Day. (And A Moderate One At That.)

Thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative.

--Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922 - ), "Cold Turkey", In These Times, May 10, 2004

Two reasons for this quote.

One: I love fellow Hoosier Vonnegut; whose father and grandfather designed and built many Indianapolis buildings, most notably the L.S. Ayres building at 1 Washington (now the Parisian store at Circle Centre Mall.)

And two (and most notably:) I was labeled earlier this week by someone I love and respect as being political...and being liberal. Guilty of the first....innocent until proven guilty to the second. As I explained to my Gentle Reader, I like to think of myself as a political agnostic. I believe in the concept of a political buffet.....some liberal, some conservative, but most leanings toward the centrist opinions that most likely make up the majority of thinking Americans. Radical ideas, either to the left or the right, tend to favor the parties' advancement...instead of the country's.

Nothing But Honey Nut Cheerios From Now On. (Or, Some Good News.)

Called the cardiologist late yesterday. Asked about my test results. Was told that the cardiologist would have to call me back (seldom a good sign, and cause in and of itself for a little cardiac stress.) Waited. And waited.

Dr. Hambel finally called me back (actually, it was only about ten minutes later, but it seemed a lot longer.) Said he wasn't concerned, because he had heard me on the air, and figured I hadn't died (true.) Funny man.

Told me that my chest wall was thicker than most (I attribute that to the Spiece workouts), and that the ultrasound wasn't as definitive as he would have liked, but that there appeared to be no reason for concern. Also that the halter monitor test validated that opinion. Bottom line? Yes, I tipped over. Still don't know why. But it apparently wasn't because of a problem with my heart. The ticker is as strong as ever (very good news there.) He released me to do whatever I want.

Headed back to Spiece Monday. That will be the test...see if the bruised ribs and the two weeks of inactivity will trigger anything. Don't think it will, but you never know. I now know that I'm not bulletproof...and that every 20 hours or so, I should take a break and rest. Gotta be smarter in how I punish myself....workout good.....barhopping and Powers at 4am bad.

Just glad for the good news....and the opportunity to take better care of myself. Thanks to all for the good thoughts and prayers. They helped. Onward into the good night.

Based On A True Story.

This story allegedly happened before JQP met his lovely flower. It was told to me as true; although I can't account for its veracity, the exchange seems like a likely one to me, and those that are familiar with the characters herein.

Pastor Bob was curious about the Catholic way of doing things, so John Q. Public invited him to St. Patrick's to observe some of the Catholic customs and traditions. It had been a full week of fun, frivolity and fellowship for JQP, so he took Pastor Bob along with him to confession for moral support. Pastor Bob waited in the pews while JQP approached the confessional."Forgive me father, I have sinned, I have been with a woman.""Ah John," sighed the priest, "you have grieved the Holy Spirit. Tell me, was it Mary McCarthy?""I can't tell you, father," answered JQP, "I promised I wouldn't say, but forgive me, I have sinned, I have been with a woman.""John, this is not what you have been taught by Mother Church. Was it Debbie O'Rourke?""I can't say, father, I promised I wouldn't, but forgive me, I have sinned, I have been with a woman.""Ah, John, your poor mother and father would be heartbroken to know this. I wonder, was it Patty Donnelly?""I can't tell you, father, I promised, forgive me, I have been with a woman.""John, my son, I harboured such high hopes for you when you were an altar boy. Tell me, was it Therese Murphy?""Father, I can't say, I promised, forgive me father, I have sinned, I have been with a woman."The priest pronounced, "John Q. Public, you must say 50 Our Fathers and 30 Hail Marys.""Thank you, father," a relieved JQP acknowledged, and went back to the pews where Pastor Bob was waiting."Well, Mr. Public", Pastor Bob inquired, "what did the father say?"
To which JQP replied, "He gave me 50 Our Fathers, 30 Hail Marys and four good leads."

Monday, November 14, 2005

A Thought For The Day.

If you consider that there have been an average of160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000. The rate in Washington D.C. (among others) is 80.6 per 100,000. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol,which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.

Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington D.C.

If it wasn't for the fact that some of the biggest crooks in the world would be catapulted out of the District and returned home to their respective states, I would be all for this plan.

Maybe we could ship all of DC's non-permanent residents to Guantanamo Bay....let Castro take care of them.....Call it 'moral cleansing.'

Just a thought.....